AVATAR: A Christian Mom’s Review

I blogged about bringing my kids to see Avatar on 3D yesterday. For every movie that my kids watch, be it here at home or in a movie house, I feel we should be responsible to explain if there are things that need to be explained—like what the Bible says about a certain issues. In the case of Avatar, I had to explain the following to Ria (now 8 and very curious). As for Jez, he listens to my “reviews”… not quite sure if he understands it, but I am just happy I would have the chance to.
Aliens. The Bible does not mention them. It only talks about the earth being made by God, to be the only habitable planet there is. It is inhabited by HUMANS, who are made in the image and likeness of God. I do not remember reading about any other planet inhabited by humans like us, or by some super tall, greenish creatures with orange eyes and silly looking noses and ears with tails.

Spirits. There are evil spirits, and there is one good Spirit—the Spirit of God. We are not allowed, and should not call on any other spirits for help or pray to them, like what we saw on Avatar. The “Almighty” there was the mother nature, which to me was humanistic and very close to new age teachings.

Reincarnation. We do not believe in reincarnation, nor on transference of one’s spirit into another body. When we die, we go to the Lord.. we do not transfer into another form, like what we saw on the movie.
With all due respect, I think the movie was brilliantly made— in terms of its effects and cinematography. Once again, world-renowned Cameron nailed it, like he did with Titanic. He overthrew “Harry Potter” (which I NEVER LET MY KIDS WATCH) down to number 2. Good job for him as a director, producer and writer. But as a mom, I should do my own good job… provide my kids with sound teaching. Next time, oh, next time, I would be more careful what to let my kids watch. For now, they may be young, but when they grow old, they will never depart from it.

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5 Comments on “AVATAR: A Christian Mom’s Review”

  1. aBA Says:

    hope sna ako pd,,mkakita…bhalag pirated lng..joke!!
    but., we must choose ryt movie to watch because it reflect in our personality^^
    pass by:

  2. karen Says:

    hahah… lage jud te sakto jud! hay… lisod jud mahimong mom noh.. daghan kaau dapat bantayan… salute jud ko sa imoha mama rai.!

  3. aaliyah Says:

    wow my brother named christian

  4. […] AVATAR: A Christian Mom’s Review December 20094 comments 3 […]

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